Wednesday, October 28, 2009

New research findings on pulmonary hypertension issues....Whew !....A groundbreaking one....
Friends, Indians and Countrymen, rise from oblivion...Mind you,this is one bloody serious affair.
But 'affairs' got to change....They cannot maintain a status quo.
This may turn out to be a boring issue to all those unaffected.....but what you all can do is spread the message so that some 'lucky' patient may bump into it and may find that he really is lucky.
The development is regarding an inhibitor to certain Notch3 stuff in our bodies....For more details....check the Nature Medicine site....Man!...I wonder why these people use complicated names and words in the field of research.....and they call it scientific....!
Anyway, this condition has to gain greater publicity.....especially in India...a country which is going to hold the record for the maximum no. of its people with Diabetes,in a few years time. What a 'sweet' achievement !
There is a worldwide campaign for the PH issue....that it has even led to a competition...the 'Blue Lips Campaign'......Thats the limit,the height of it !
So create awareness among your least in our old age,when we sit back on an arm-chair trying to rewind our lives in our minds,this may be a reason for us to afford a smile.


  1. ahaa..Proud of ya kid, ya listened! * sniff sniff*

    To put the " nice " words first. ya seem to get the groove of being a blogger with your very first blog. "Raconteur", Tres bien Monsieur. Got a style of writing already, sweet sarcasm peppered along informal lines. Great job Govindan!

    Take time and write man. Looks like you're just penning down your first thoughts. Hyperlink things you dont want to tell in detail . I mean how the heck would a 3rd person know of what 'blue lip campaign' is and what exactly ya tryin to say is "the limit".


  2. Welcome to the blog-o-sphere, buddy-boy.. :) Gr8 post to start with, not your usual "hello-there-I'm-new-to-blogging-this-is-me-trying-out-a-post" stuff. I'll be watching your progress with considerable interest.. ;) ..aatmiyatayude ekanthapathangale kurichu vellom post cheyyane.. :D
